Inclusive Inputs at FITC Web Unleashed 2018

What if form inputs were representative of our modern society, and operated in spectrums rather than binaries? It’s time we re-think this age-old input pattern.

As developers, product designers, and digital creators of all kinds, we’re making products for people across the globe. This scope of influence is vast and expansive; geographically and socially. It’s time we get a formative lesson in inclusive form design; we need to make sure we’re not excluding swaths of our the population in a traditional form’s narrow view of identity.

Inclusive Form Inputs at FITC in Toronto


Talk Title

Inclusive Inputs

FITC Web Unleashed

October 2nd, 2018 • Salon AB

Talk Abstract
More details here

The Twitter Version:

What if form inputs were representative of our modern society, and operated in spectrums rather than binaries?

-@andreacrofts #FITC #WEBU18



A blog by Condé Nast, featuring LQBTQ+ voices

Designing forms for gender diversity and inclusion
By Sabrina Fonseca on Medium

Demographics are a Spectrum
By Christine Chapman on Medium


Need a solid tweet from this talk? I’ve got you covered.

“Because of the human factors behind forms, it’s not a binary input. There’s a lot of “it depends” that comes out of these scenarios. Putting your work in front of these communities is what will help you paint the spectrum that’s right for your product.”

-@andreacrofts #fitc #WEBU18
